Select leaves EU stay or go decision to members

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Select, a campaigning trade body for the electrotechnical industry in Scotland, has told its 1200 members it is for them alone to make their decision on whether to vote either to stay or leave the EU at the referendum to be held on 23 of June this year.


Select’s members who account for around 90% of all electrical installation work carried out in Scotland, have a collective turnover of around £1bn and provide employment for some 15,000 people.

Newell McGuiness, Select’s managing director, said: “Just as in the Scottish independence referendum in September 2014, our view is that the question of whether the UK remains in, or leaves, the EU is entirely a matter for our individual members.

“I expect that, just as in the rest of the country, there is a range of opinions on the subject amongst our members and, as a representative organisation we would not presume to offer an opinion on the issue.”

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