Smart Lighting Summit 2016

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In April 2016 Electrical Review, in response to consistent reader feedback, will be launching the Smart Lighting Summit. In the same way LED lighting has taken energy efficiency to a new level smart lighting is now allowing a more sustainable approached to how this lighting is controlled. The huge rise in the number of connected devices has helped raise awareness to the ‘Internet of Things’, but how will the lighting industry deal with the electrical infrastructure behind.  Electrical Review has been covering the latest developments in smart lighting controls over recent years, but our readers are now demanding more understanding of how they can deliver smart lighting and the challenges they need to overcome in a face-to-face environment.

This event will be an opportunity to meet and network with senior people in the electrical space who will be meeting to learn and gain insights.

The Smart Lighting Summit will be held in the stunning home of the IET at Savoy Place, London. The newly refurbished building already plays host to the global engineering community and supporting technology innovation which makes it an ideal backdrop to this summit.

For further information on what topics the event will cover click here.

If you would be interested in a speaking opportunity please email [email protected]. For commercial opportunities please contact [email protected].

Elinore Mackay

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