Thermal imager ranges

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Fluke, the global leader in handheld electronic test and measurement equipment, has renewed and extended its Solution Centre web pages. Now there is even more information on choosing and using thermal imagers, as well as full details of Fluke’s Performance, Professional and Expert Series thermal imagers. The all-new Solution Centre at introduces several new models, and has an interactive screen to show the best camera for a particular application.

The Centre outlines eight reasons for choosing Fluke thermal imagers, lets you work out ROI with a useful calculator, gives advice on where to buy, and provides a link to request a demo. 

There are short videos on how to prevent downtime, how to predict equipment faults, and how to ensure equipment is energy efficient. Webinars summarise how to perform a qualitative electrical inspection, how to detect electrical energy losses, and how to inspect electromechanical equipment. 


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