Webinar – Prefabricated modules for flexible data centre growth

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On Thursday 10 April Electrical Review and Schneider Electric held a webinar on prefabricated modules for flexible data growth.

Prefabricated data centre modules continue to show value to the industry as a viable option in designing and building a data centre.

Historically, the case for prefabricated data centres has focused heavily on direct cost comparisons with that of traditional builds. While this type of correlation may be valid in most cases, it over simplifies the discussion, resulting in complex comparisons that leave evaluators unconvinced.

This presentation discussed the business justification for prefabricated data centres and feature examples of actual applications, concluding with a review of Schneider Electric’s capabilities, tools and offer.

Speaking at this webinar was Scott Neal, product marketing director of prefabricated data centre modules, Schneider Electric.

Scott is responsible for communicating the value and strategy of Schneider’s prefabricated solutions. He has a broad technical background and has focused much of his 19 year career on new product development and technical marketing in support of products and solutions for data centre infrastructure.

The webinar broadcast is now available here.

Elinore Mackay

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