European Offshore & Energy 2014 set to make waves

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With only a few weeks to go until the European Offshore & Energy Exhibition, event organiser DFA Media is optimistic the show will exceed expectations.

The newly launched event is part of the established co-location of DFA Media exhibitions – Fluid Power & Systems, Air-Tech, Drives & Controls, and The Plant & Asset Management Exhibition, all to be staged at the NEC Hall 3/3A, Birmingham, from 8-10 April 2014.


Suppliers, manufacturers and service providers at European Offshore & Energy Exhibition will cover all sources of energy generation, including: oil & gas, nuclear power stations, gas-fired power stations, biomass, wind farms

(offshore & onshore), hydropower, geothermal power, photovoltaics, shale gas plus new technologies are being developed such as wave/tidal power and carbon capture & storage for power stations.


As well as the extensive range of offerings to be showcased at European Offshore & Energy, the event will also feature EnergyDialogue, a three-day conference covering a host of energy issues together with product/solution analysis and debate. EnergyDialogue will ensure delegates receive all the information they need directly from leading authorities, policy makers and expert practitioners.

Conference topics include a review of Sir Ian Wood’s recently published interim report (The Wood Report) revealing the economic and energy security opportunities still available from the UK’s offshore oil and gas resources.

In addition Ray MacSweeney, Ernst & Young will examine the supply chain implications of the Report.

Clive Evans, Deepwater EU, will discuss an innovative solution for the prevention of crevice corrosion at pipe supports. While Dr John Constable,
Renewable Energy Foundation, will debate the costs and future of offshore renewables

Other highlights include a discussion on safety in the wind energy sector by Steve Green of Safety Technology; Opportunities in the supply chain for marine renewables
 by Stephanie Merry, Renewable Energy Association; Unconventional Gas by Nick Grealy, NoHotAir; The future for CCS and its relevance in the EU offshore context by 
Jeff Chapman, Carbon Capture & Storage Association; “Rise of the Machines” – Predictive and Event Driven Analytics in Energy by Jonathan Guthrie, TIBCO Software, and the Impact of electricity market reform and investor issues in the offshore sector by Simon Monk, IPA Economics.

The UKTI will also feature prominently in the seminar programme for European Offshore & Energy. UKTI will highlight many of the areas it is currently working and the levels of success it is currently achieving for UK businesses including an insight into the supply chain for nuclear energy.

These are just a few of the highlights of the three-day conference. For the full and most up-to-date programme and to register please go to:


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