Attwater remembers six-decade industry veteran

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Manufacturing company Attwater is mourning the loss of one of its stalwarts after technical director Tom Eland died following a short illness.

Tom joined Lancashire-based Attwater at the age of 16, in 1967 and spent the whole of his 46 year career with the company, becoming a director in 1988.


From humble beginnings in the laboratory, he developed his intellect and sharpened his business skills to become one of the most influential and respected authorities on composite laminates, not only at Attwater, but within the UK electrical industry and throughout Europe.

His energy and passion for the industry led him to get involved at the highest level. He was chairman of the Electrical Insulation Association (EIA) from April 2008 until April 2012, and represented EIA on numerous commercial and technical committees drafting standards on sheet and rod insulation materials.

He represented the UK on IEC International Standards Committees and was vice chairman of the EEIM, the European Trade association representing European electrical insulation manufacturers.

Although he was easing himself into retirement, Tom took an active role in organising INSUCON 2013 last year, the International Electrical Insulation conference held in Europe every 3 or 4 years. He was also on the committee for the two previous conferences in 2006 and 2009.

The company’s managing director Richard Attwater said: “Tom was a popular and valued member of our team and his knowledge of materials and applications was legendary. He was a man of great integrity, who inspired all those around him with his enthusiasm and tireless capacity for work.”

“Tom always believed that people do business with people and a handshake or agreement from him was worth as much as any written contract. Tom has left behind a legacy which will influence the way we run our business for many years to come.”

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