Janitza Electronics – Critical power management for Transport for London

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Project Brief:

Transport for London (TfL) had a basic energy monitoring system in place at their Palestra offices, Southwark. This system was insufficient to provide TfL with the level of resilience and protection required at one of their most critical London sites. TfL needed to install a combined energy management and power quality management system, to provide detailed information and reports to their infrastructure team.

Site Specifics:

Within the building, TfL wanted full monitoring and control of the following;


  • 5 incoming utility supplies
  • HV & LV switchgear
  • UPS systems
  • Generator’s
  • CHP
  • Fuel cell

The data for the above equipment must be visible within the Scada software and provide TfL with site-wide animated single line diagram including the status of main switchgear and busbar,

A virtual real-time simulation of field equipment, with specific overview’s, branch circuit monitoring and bespoke report generation.

In order to satisfy the requirements set out by TfL, E-TEC Power Management, a principal partner with Janitza in the field of energy management, were introduced to TfL, with a view to expand anddeliver the EMS and PQMS systems. E-TEC are a leading power engineering company, who are specialist’s in generator, UPS, switchgear and power management.

The solution:

TfL’s requirement to monitor the complete power consumption of the building as well as the status of existing equipment on site – all to be viewed in one head-end software package both locally or

remotely, made E-TEC a perfect Integrator for the project.

“The building was occupied through the compete installation & all business critical supplies were live without disruption throughout the work”

In order to monitor the complete power consumption of the site E-TEC installed over 350 devices; both power quality monitors and standard power analyzer’s were installed to capture CBEMA,transients and events. Through a combination of retrofit, replacement and new switchgear, these devices were connected to a dedicated Ethernet backbone reporting onsite to the E-TEC; e-Power Monitoring System. All power monitors push recorded data to the SQL database and can be reviewed and exported either automatically or manually.

The e-Power solution combines scada and dual redundant PLC control system. Over 300 interlock circuits-provide a complete high level interface to all of the power meters and the e-Power Scadaallows intelligent load shedding if/when required. e-Power also controls & monitors the onsite UPS systems, generators, CHP and fuel cell to provide detailed live and historical information and alarms.

The software is visible locally at the Building Control Centre workstation or remotely via the secure corporate VPN allowing building managers anywhere within the estate to view the project with full functionality and visibility. As part of the TFL drive to reduce carbon, the e-Power software platform, sends daily reports to TFL’s national energy portal to allow profiling of the building’s energy consumption. For more information on our solutions, contact:

E-TEC Power Management Ltd

Phone: +44 (0)1252 744800 ● E-Mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.e-tecpowerman.co.uk

Janitza Electronics UK

Phone: +44 (0) 203 544 8848 ● E-Mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.janitza.com

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