National Apprentice Electrican of the Year

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As part of its long-term commitment to supporting the education and development of young people who are training to work in the electrical sector, portable test equipment expert Megger is sponsoring the 2014 National Apprentice Electrician of the Year. The award is operated in conjunction with technical colleges, with each college invited to put forward one student who is studying for a Level 3 electrical qualification.


“We are delighted to be the lead sponsor for this prestigious award, which offers an exciting challenge to young people entering our industry,” said Simon Wood, UK sales manager at Megger. “As a company we genuinely believe that it’s important to give something back to the industry we operate in, and to provide encouragement for the next generation of technicians and engineers.”

“That’s why we’re not only sponsoring the Apprentice of the Year, but also putting a lot of effort into our on-going educational programmes that include the supply of specially prepared teaching materials to colleges, and offering presentations in the colleges, delivered by experts from our technical support and sales teams.”

Organised and managed by Sparks, nominations can be made by downloading the application form at

All competitors entered by their colleges for the Apprentice of the Year Award will receive a certificate of achievement, and will be invited to attend one of six regional heats, where they can demonstrate their skills by carrying out a challenging practical task. Winners from the heats go forward to the national final, where the overall winner, who is awarded the title of Megger National Apprentice Electrician of the Year 2014, will be selected.

All finalists will be rewarded with an engraved glass trophy plus equipment and clothing that will be of use to them in their work, and the overall winner will in addition receive £1,000 worth of Megger products. The winner’s college will receive £500 worth of Megger products.

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