Stainless Steel Cooling Units

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Rittal now have standard pricing for the stainless steel variants of their cooling units, including those from the TopTherm Generation Blue e range. A selection of wall-mounted cooling units, with nominal outputs in the range 300-1500 W and rated operating voltages of 230 V AC and 400 V AC, are now also available from stock.

Cooling units keep the air inside an enclosure below a maximum permissible temperature, which may be even lower than that of the air surrounding it. The am-bient air is used to cool refrigerant, which removes the heat from the air inside the enclosure, at a high tem-perature and pressure. However, due to separate in-ternal and external air circuits, these units satisfy an ingress protection category of IP54 and the air inside the enclosure is simply recirculated preventing the in-gress of dust or other contaminants into the enclosure.


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