ESC supports good practice

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The Electrical Safety Council (ESC) has continued its support for best safety practice within the industry by sponsoring an award at the ECA’s recent Electric Event.


The ESC’s Best Electrical Safety Initiative Award was won by Imtech G+ H Ltd, for their Behavioural Safety, Hazard and Accident Reduction Programme (Be Sharp). The programme, which was developed in-house, focuses on the reasoning people use when choosing to work in an unsafe manner. Be Sharp is not about risk assessment, method statements or legislation.
Instead, it emphasises key safety messages, using a range of communication techniques – from videos to group discussions – by making them personal and relevant to those attending the training.

“We are delighted to receive this award from the ESC,” says Robin Hazzledine, HSEQ manager at Imtech. “We view safety as fundamental to all our activities and there is no doubt that the Be Sharp programme has had a positive effect – and not just on our workforce.”

Imtech have seen the programme have a direct impact on their accident frequency rate, which has dropped to zero in 2012. And, as they invite their subcontractors and customers to join them in the training, it has also increased safety awareness throughout their supply chain.

“Sponsoring this kind of award gives us the opportunity to highlight and celebrate those companies that are championing electrical safety through their working practice”, explains Phil Buckle, director general of the ESC. “Awards are all about identifying and highlighting examples of best practice, so that industry can continue to raise the bar for all.”

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