Join Pulsar Instruments for Noise Action Week

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Each year from the 20-24th May, Noise Action Week aims to raise awareness of noise problems and the impact of noise on business here In the UK. More so, Noise Action Week aims to promote a healthy and enlightened approach to the effects of Noise in the Wrong Places such as communities and workplaces.

Pulsar Instruments is a leading UK supplier of Noise Monitoring Equipment and Sound Level Meters, both for use in the workplace and by safety professionals around the world.  During this year’s Noise action Week, Pulsar Instruments are to announce that they shall be producing a series of collaborations to expose their stake holders to the delights of silence. They further intend to raise awareness of the impacts which noise can have on employees, communities and workplaces, as well as addressing noise pollution and noise monitoring for the future…

More information on Noise Awareness Week is available at



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