Continued support for switchgear installations

Electrical Review Logo has been set up to serve the increasing demand from switchgear users and operators who require continued support for their switchgear installations. We take a very different view to the ongoing use and support of switchgear than that which is taken by traditional switchgear manufacturers.

We are here to ensure the continued safe operation of your installation. We have no vested interest in trying to simply insist that a replacement is required. We are not here to try and sell you complete switchboards or tell you that your equipment must be replaced when it is perfectly serviceable. We will not condemn your installation because it is inconvenient to upgrade. What we are here to do is to provide you with whatever is required to enable your business to continue to operate with maximum reliability and safety whilst recognising the need to minimise the disruption and cost to your business.

Switchgear Retrofit

01902 632639


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