JTL gives evidence to All Party Parliamentary Group

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Training charity, JTL, has given evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Local Growth, Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and Enterprise Zones.

Chief Executive, Denis Hird, called for LEPs to support employers in taking on apprentices by keeping bureaucracy to a minimum. He emphasised the role of LEPs should be to speed up, not slow down, the delivery of apprenticeships in an effort to kick start local economic growth and job creation.


Hird said: “It’s vital that apprenticeships remain employer and industry-led and that funding is allocated in a way that ensures the industries that need new starters are supported. We work with more than 2,500 employers across the country, all of whom are committed to giving their apprentices the best possible start in their industry. Hopefully the result from today will be that that localisation has a positive impact on training and skills provision, and does not introduce unnecessary bureaucracy which could deter employers from taking on apprentices.”

JTL was invited to speak to the APPG on 26 March, following its written submission as part of the APPG’s inquiry into skills and training provision. The inquiry will publish its findings in the near future.

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