EAL earmarks pivotal Richard Review role

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EAL intends to play a pivotal role engineering the future of apprenticeships – as outlined in the government’s response to the Richard Review which was released today.

The specialist employer-recognised awarding organisation has pledged to be a catalyst for change – using its engagement with clients to ensure that their voices are heard as the debate evolves.

Managing director Ann Watson embraced the direction signalled by the Government response and the call for employers to play a more vertically integrated role in building the future for skills.


“We will play a pivotal role,” said Watson.

“Employer ownership is the way forward – and that has been recognised by Richard and the government.

“We are totally engaged to the employers that we serve and have been for many years – and know that this approach works.

“There is much work to be done before the new statutes are set in stone – and EAL has hit the ground running.”

EAL is already working with IMechE to ensure that Eng Tech accreditation is a natural outcome of Level 3 Apprenticeships.

During the last 5 years more than 500,000 people have embarked on an EAL qualification – which relate to the engineering, manufacturing, building services and related sectors.

The organisation is recognised as offering specialist unrivalled service levels helping blue-chip, multi-national, small and micro companies optimise the potential of their employees.

EAL was instrumental in forming the Industry Apprentice Council – a representative body of young apprentices that met for first time at the turn of the year and which met skills minister Matthew Hancock in parliament in January.

IAC member Hal Willis, 20, an aeronautical engineering apprentice for Airbus said: “Apprenticeships should be less about ticking boxes and more about performing well throughout.
“The individual modules may be company specific but this would have to lead to widely recognised qualifications. Providing it reduces the complexity of frameworks it’s a good thing.
“I do like the idea of all apprenticeships offering Level 2 English and Maths. That’s a very good idea. We’re trying to promote apprenticeships as a valid and equal opportunity to the academic route and basic levels in English and maths should define apprenticeships.”

EAL is embarking on a full consultation process with industry employers and training providers.

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