Hager has launched a new range of SP&N distribution boards

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New SP&N distribution boards

Hager has launched a new range of SP&N distribution boards that makes it easier to meet the needs of the 17th Edition for commercial installations.


Designed to match the company’s Invicta 3 range of panel and TP&N boards, it is one of the few available with a glazed door.  This allows an ‘ordinary person’ as defined by the 17th Edition to view the board while the door is locked.  A ‘skilled’ or ‘instructed person, can then access the board with a key.

There is also plenty of wiring space and the position and design of the earth and neutral bars allows easier wiring – an important feature for fitting RCBOs, which are longer then MCBs.  The neutral and terminal bars will accept up to 25mm2 incoming and 16mm2 outgoing cable.


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