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EDF signals start of Sizewell C planning process as Hinkley Point C examination ends

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EDF Energy has today signalled the start of its formal public consultation in November for a new proposed nuclear power station at Sizewell in Suffolk, just as the examination of its application for Hinkley Point C in Somerset concludes.


Following initial meetings, EDF Energy is today sending a draft Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) to Suffolk local authorities to invite feedback on the proposed consultation programme for the Sizewell C project.

The formal consultation on initial proposals and options is planned to start by the end of November this year. Consulting on a draft SoCC is a requirement of the Planning Act 2008 and marks the first formal stage in the consultation process. EDF Energy will consider the Councils’ comments before publishing a final SoCC with details of the consultation programme.

Meanwhile, tomorrow (22 September) marks the end of the Planning Inspectorate’s six-month, evidence-based examination of EDF Energy’s application to build and operate a new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point C in Somerset. The Planning Inspectorate now has up to three months to make a recommendation to the Secretary of State.

During the examination for Hinkley Point C, EDF Energy submitted more than 50 documents and supporting appendices in response to written representations, provided approximately 300 detailed responses to technical questions, and attended eight issue-specific hearings and five open floor hearings. Many other parties contributed fully to the process.

Richard Mayson, director of planning and external affairs for EDF Energy Nuclear New Build, said: “We are very pleased to signal the start of our formal consultation for Sizewell C. It demonstrates our clear intent to progress our role at the forefront of the UK’s nuclear renaissance.

“At the same time, we’re delighted to mark the end of the examination of our Hinkley Point C proposals. During this period a landmark agreement was reached with the local authorities to mitigate the impact of the development and support services such as education, training, transport and housing.

“As well as helping to supply new low carbon electricity for ten million homes, both these projects offer massive employment and economic opportunities for local residents and firms. We now look forward to the planning decision for Hinkley Point C and to working with the communities in Suffolk to develop our proposals at Sizewell including mitigating identified impacts.”

EDF Energy submitted its application for Hinkley Point C on 31 October 2011, following more than three years of community consultation and stakeholder engagement which directly shaped the proposals. During the formal consultation stages, EDF Energy directly engaged with almost 6,500 consultees, held 34 exhibitions, attended dozens of meetings with local authorities and other groups, and attracted 109,000 unique visitors to its project website.

The application was formally accepted for examination on 24 November 2011 and the six-month examination started on 21 March 2012.

Hinkley Point C is subject to planning consent and a final investment decision by the end of the year.

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