Is your marketing plugged in?

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Twenty-five years ago marketing in the power industry was often so much simpler, clients ran an advert and perhaps did an occasional press release concerning a new product, and then waited for the telephone to ring. A few free mugs or some calendars at Christmas, and the job was almost sorted. Philip Allott of Allott and Associates explains

Today PR and marketing can be so much more sophisticated and targeted, thanks to a plethora of ever expanding communication options and access to live real time company data.

It is, therefore, perhaps surprising business-to-business (b2b) companies involved in the power sector are not always taking a more integrated marketing approach. Whilst most advertisers will automatically promote their website, how many companies use recent press release content as the basis for a regular e-newsletter?

With access to Companies House data on-line is now available from marketing organisations like my own which can also interrogate the information and phone contact the firms. After identification of the key decision makers’ contact details, very effective marketing lists can be built up over a period of time. These lists are not only for lead generation from phone calls but are also ideal for circulating with e-newsletter material, providing of course you have also asked for an email address!

Equally whilst many older senior managers in b2b companies remain to be convinced about the marketing benefits of using social media and therefore don’t participate, a younger generation is using it as an additional communication channel, which properly tapped could be a rich source of sales leads. For those on the sharp end of the power business trying to sell to large multi-nationals, the response from receptionists about the company having a no names policy is all too familiar. However, LinkedIn and Facebook don’t have these restraints and, properly harnessed, can generate great sales leads. Equally, Twitter provides the cheapest mailer you’ll ever likely undertake. The fact you don’t personally use social media doesn’t mean your customers don’t.

If you haven’t the time to tweet, develop profiles or look for Facebook friends, just out source it to a b2b power marketing agency like us.

Ok, you say well I get it but where do exhibitions and advertising fit into my marketing campaign, should we ditch them?

Well actually no. Anybody who attended Data Centre World earlier this year should not be in any doubt about the effectiveness of exhibiting. However, if only a few people turned up at your last exhibition stand and you are questioning whether it’s worth the effort or cost, did you publicise that you were attending? Press releases, adverts, social media activities, e-newsletters and mailers are a great way of driving people to visit your exhibition stand instead of them visiting the neighbouring stands.

Advertising also plays a key role in promoting and carrying sometimes complicated or factual information in a way that other marketing options would struggle.

The effectiveness of advertising is clear from the number of adverts in this magazine. To be super effective adverts need to follow monthly or quarterly themes; in effect they need to continue evolving. Advertising also needs to be integrated into your marketing campaign, because whilst many companies have a website link, how many add social media links or have a dedicated web page designed to specifically link to the advert?

Great integrated PR and marketing always starts with a plan. That plan should utilise all PR marketing avenues and adopt a quarterly approach, not only will this be less costly than a piecemeal approach but it will also be more effective.

Power companies that only use some of the marketing tools available do so at their peril because it’s likely their competitors will be using the full tool bag. My advice is simple, continue to do the marketing things you can do well in house, but don’t ignore the other marketing options. Why not outsource the marketing items you don’t want to do from a specialist power PR and marketing agency.

Philip Allott is the managing director of Allott & Associates, a specialist Power PR and marketing agency. The agency represents a cross section of clients involved in providing hardware and services.

[email protected]

Elinore Mackay

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