Cibse welcomes new members to the board for 2012/2013

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The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (Cibse) has welcomed four new members to the Cibse Board.  John Field, Geraldine O’Farrell, Tadj Oreszczyn and Catherine Simpson each bring extensive experience and knowledge of the industry which will assist with the development of the Institution.


John Field has been appointed as a vice president, and has been a member of Cibse for over 20 years. He is director of carbon management at Power Efficiency, the Balfour Beatty-owned energy procurement and carbon management consultancy.

Elected members to the Cibse board are Geraldine O’Farrell, Tadj Oreszczyn and Catherine Simpson.

Vice Chair of the Cibse Heritage Group, Geraldine O’Farrell works for English Heritage, where she is responsible for advising and writing publications, on lighting design, lightning and surge protection, fire protection and other associated heritage subjects, as well as liaising on all M&E engineering matters.

Catherine Simpson is director of building simulation, and has been involved in the innovative application of simulation for a number of major projects including the Bluewater and Gloucester Quays Shopping Centres.  She was also a BREEAM assessor for many years.

Tadj Oreszczyn is professor of energy and environment at University College London, and founding director of the UCL Energy Institute which aims to accelerate the transition to a globally sustainable energy system through world-class energy research, education and policy support. He has over 28 years of energy research experience.

The inauguration of the vice president, John Field, and president elect, George Adams, took place on 10 May 2012 at Cibse’s AGM held in London; at the same time Professor David Fisk was appointed as the Institution’s new president and gave his inaugural presidential address.

John Field joins incumbent Cibse vice presidents Peter Kinsella and Peter Wong.

The Cibse board members 2012/13

David Fisk, CB FREng CEng HonFCIbse FRIBA(Hons) FloP – president

George Adams, CEng MCibse – president elect

John Field, MCIBSE – vice president

Peter Wong, CEng FCibse – vice president

Peter Kinsella, CEng MCibse – vice-president

Andy Ford, CEng FCibse – immediate past president

Nick Mead, CEng FCibse – honorary treasurer

Paul Hardy – elected member

Geraldine O’Farrell CEng FCibse MSLL – elected member

Tadj Oreszczyn FCibse – elected member

Catherine Simpson CEng FCibse – elected member

Stephen Lisk, FSLL – elected member

Graham Manly, OBE CEng FCibse – co-opted member

Fuller biographies are available on the Cibse website at Cibse/Cibse Board Members

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