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Wind warning

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In a new report, The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has said parts of Britain are in danger of becoming overrun by wind farms because of a huge increase in the number under construction.

The report – Generating light on landscape impacts: How to accommodate onshore wind while protecting the countryside – said the number of turbines over 30 metres high either already built, in construction or awaiting approval has soared to more 4,100 from just 685 in 2008.

The CPRE says it accepts wind power is necessary in the fight against climate change, but highlights certain areas it feels are overrun by turbines, including Durham and Cornwall.

The organisation has called for the government to provide more clarity on the total number of onshore wind turbines to be built and where they may be located.

Interestingly, while measures are in place to ensure offshore turbines are decommissioned at the end of their useful life, no policy is in place for onshore installations. The CPRE has called for government to insist the onshore wind industry take legal and financial responsibility for decommissioning turbines and restoring the landscape once they either stop working or reach the end of their useful life.

As always,  I would be very interested to hear your views.

Elinore Mackay
[email protected]

Elinore Mackay

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