Frost thermostat protection

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As winters in the UK become more extreme, the freezing of water and boiler condensate pipes becomes a major problem.

Just when you most need it, the boiler stops working due to the boiler condensate freezing in the outlet pipe.  Also water pipes (especially in insulated loft-spaces or garages) can freeze causing untold damage if the pipes spilt.


These issues can be permanently solved using a suitable trace heater assembly fitted with an integral and very reliable MQT frost thermostat.

Matsuo MQT frost thermostats are simple to integrate and give 10 times the life of conventional disc thermostats.  MQTs can be calibrated as low as -10°C and the differential (hysteresis) can be as small as 3K.  Thus the MQT thermostat provides long-term accurate frost protection and minimises energy consumption.

ATC Semitec

01606 871680

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