Protection for machine operators

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Wieland Electric has increased its range of standstill monitors with the addition of the new SNS 4074K. The new device monitors the pulse frequency of sensors, such as inductive and magneto-resistive proximity switches and incremental encoders, safely switching off any dangerous movement when the limit frequency set on the safety module is exceeded.


Designed to protect machine operators from dangerous movement, standstill monitors are predominantly used in the control of tumblers in electric locking facilities. Access to dangerous machine parts is only possible when the machine movement no longer poses a threat to the operator.

Wieland now offers two such devices with different functionality, the SNS 4074K with a bypass input which allows safety orientated bypassing of the monitoring function and the SNS 4084K which has an input for the implementation of a start override that allows electric locking facilities to be locked during start-up.

Wieland Electric


01483 531213


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