Starter kit for the apprentice electrician

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Ethos can now offer an apprentice electrician or any person training to qualify to be an electrician a professional kit suitable for all the testing requirements.

The Ethos Prokit consists of nine useful items and can be transported in a heavy duty carry case supplied, all designed to make the electrician’s job easier.

The Ethos 4162 is a new style Voltage / Continuity tester which has the spring back probe covers so loosing the removable tip covers is no longer an issue, a recurring nuisance in the past. It also boasts the Ethos 4295 Proving Unit proving that the Ethos 4162 is working as part of the “Safety Isolation Procedure” along with the Ethos 4215 Locking Device; for safety lock of an MCB in the off position when working on a circuit c/w warning labels.

Ethos Instrument
0191 378 3990

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