Raising the bar for multifunction testers

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Developed specifically to make installation testing safer, faster and more convenient, Megger's new MFT1700 series instruments set new standards for multifunction test sets. The range includes three models, all of which share the same lightweight yet robust IP54 construction, large backlit display panels and timesaving features like two-wire non-trip loop testing, auto-start continuity testing and optional pass/fail RCD testing.

All models in the new range have a CAT IV 300 V safety rating in line with BS EN 61010, which makes them safe to use on all areas of low voltage electrical installations. This makes it unnecessary to carry out time-consuming risk assessments to decide which instruments can be used in particular locations.

High-end models in the range provide useful additional functionality. This includes facilities for checking phase rotation and testing three-phase RCDs and for measuring earth electrode resistance.


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