Installer training programme

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Emitex has developed an affordable, comprehensive training course. The Emitex Approved Installer Programme is a single day course taught with the electrical contractor in mind, at various locations throughout the U.K on a weekly basis.

The one day course is designed to give contractors an introduction to Cat 5E and Cat 6 structured cabling systems, installation practices, network hardware, horizontal and backbone layouts, cabling standards, hands on termination, continuity and certification practices.

Investing in the Emitex Approved Installer Programme will provide engineers and contractors with the competency levels needed to install structured cabling systems. And by gaining the EM1 registered installer status you would enhance and diversify your business to todays market demands.

All Emitex systems installed by an Emitex approved installer (EM1 programme) have a full life warranty.

01952 270 271

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