Minister makes renewable partnership commitment

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Greg Barker, MP, the minister of state for energy and climate change, has reassured the micro generation industry the coalition still harbours the ambition of being the greenest government ever and is working hard to support the growth of renewable technology in the UK.

"As an industry that has spent decades waiting in the wings your time has come," he told the audience at a specially organised event at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) on 23 November, adding "you have a government ready to be your partner in growth."

The Micropower Council event was supported by Mitsubishi Electric and saw speeches from Dave Sowden, CEO of the Micropower Council and Donald Daw, commercial director for Mitsubishi Electric.

"The government has made very positive noises about renewable energy since the election and we are now starting to see the finer detail of how they plan to support the development and growth of a new mass market industry," said Donald Daw.

Mitsubishi Electric manufactures both renewable electricity and renewable heating products in the form of photovoltaic panels and energy-saving heat pump systems and has rapidly expanded its business in the new residential market.

"The event was a good opportunity for all sides of the renewable industry to remind the minister of the potential of this industry in reducing individuals' fuel bills and carbon emissions whilst creating new green jobs, and also to press him to expand on the support that government is able to commit to in these stringent times," added Daw.

Greg Barker MP was able to highlight the department had emerged from the strategic spending review with its core mission fully resourced, explaining: "The result for DECC can leave no one in any doubt. No more empty government rhetoric, the coalition is putting our money where our mouth is."

The Minister also made it clear his department continues to support renewable energy generation at the local level and aims to make it the norm rather than the exception, using different technologies to break down barriers and engage rather than alienate consumers.

"Mr Barker talked about how we must work together to bring power to the people, to communities and to local businesses and we were able to show him how companies such as Mitsubishi Electric are ready to meet the challenge," ended Daw.

Pictured, left to right: Greg Barker MP, minister of state for energy and climate change, Donald Daw, commercial director at Mitsubishi Electric, and Dave Sowden, chief executive officer of the Micropower Council.

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