Free seminars on implications of smart meters and smart grids

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The Digital Communications and Modern Build Environment Knowledge Transfer Networks are sponsoring a series of free seminars on the implications of smart meters and smart grids.

The next seminar will take place on 21 September at Teacher Hall in Glasgow. Details of the event and an agenda are available at: Free registration is available at

Electrical energy consumption accounts for about 18% of all the UK's fuel use, contributing substantially to our total carbon emissions. Also, manual meter inspection is a significant operating cost for the power utilities, and the vans used for transport by meter inspectors to visit the UK's 26m domestic dwellings make an additional and significant contribution to total carbon emissions.

Smart meters offer the potential of creating a communications network, allowing for remote meter reading, and – providing suitable smart meters are installed – can also be used to control energy consuming equipment in the home. For example, smart meters can be used to switch off non-essential appliances, or at times when there is a need to reduce peak demand. This will reduce carbon emissions and help balance peak load demand on the electricity generation network, vital in effectively managing the UK's energy gap in 2015-17.

The creation of the UK's national smart meter and smart grid networks is a major undertaking, requiring substantial investment to install the networks and replace existing power meters – present estimates put investment in the range £7-10bn. As demonstrated by the internet, there are also significant security implications arising from the introduction of a distributed communications network – procedures will be needed to deter and deflect malicious attacks on the network.

Such a massive investment programme creates a myriad of opportunities for organisations in the energy, communications, construction, consumer electronics, transport and IT sectors, among others. The seminar aims to demonstrate what the potential could be for your organisation.

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