EC Certification’s UKAS accreditation is extended

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The Electrical Contractors' Association's (ECA) certification body, EC Certification, has had its UKAS accreditation extended to include the ECA's Membership Certification Scheme.

Accreditation means the Membership Certification Scheme, which provides third party proof of members' competence, has been independently and formally recognised for its impartiality, integrity and credibility. It also meets the international accreditation standard EN45011.

Proof of competence is a pre-requisite to ECA registered membership and firms assessed under the ECA's Membership Certification Scheme will now receive an accredited certificate bearing the UKAS logo. This will clearly signify to clients that they have been independently scrutinised by an accredited certification body, and found to be competent to carry out safe electrical work. This will give members a clear commercial advantage in an increasingly competitive and demanding marketplace.

David Pollock, group chief executive officer, ECA said: "ECA registered membership has always been seen as a mark of quality for electrical professionals. The accreditation of our membership scheme by UKAS is another reason why anyone choosing an ECA member will have one less thing to worry about."


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