JTL pledges £1m towards apprentice recruitment

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A £1m package to support employers recruiting Electrical Apprentices in England has been agreed by JTL, the work based learning provider for the building services engineering sector.

In addition to its standard grants package which already includes payment of all college and assessment costs, exam and registration fees and up to two attempts at the AM2 test, JTL is now offering an employer grant of £1,000 for the first 1,000 electrotechnical Advanced Apprentices aged 16-18 recruited.

JTL chief executive Denis Hird said: "It is recognised that the industry through a tough time at the moment and that this is making it difficult for some employers to commit to taking on apprentices. We very much hope this significant investment by JTL will help employers to make that commitment."

JTL's chairman Les Bayliss (pictured) said: "It is vital that the industry continues to train through the recession. The board of JTL feels that it is right and proper to offer employers as much support as possible to encourage apprenticeship training and that, as a preferred provider to the industry, this major investment is an appropriate use of JTL's reserves."


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