Catalogue showcases top products

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Making life easier for busy contractors on the go, the Newlec Additions catalogue from Newey & Eyre offers a comprehensive update on key legislation, as well as a variety of new products from its popular own brand product range, Newlec.

Launching on 1 July, Newlec Additions supplements the main Newlec catalogue and showcases the continually improving range of value for money, high quality products – along with an up-to-date price list for all Newlec products featured in the February 2010 catalogue.

Key highlights include an extended grid switch wiring accessory range, which features an additional 30 products, offering more insert options and up to eight way plates. The addition of white moulded RCD protected fused connection units and 13A two gang switched RCD protected sockets, further improves the white moulded offer.

Newey & Eyre
0845 123 6539

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