New UPS launched, especially for Data Centres: 900kVA DMX

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The new Delphys MX 800/900 kVA from Socomec is specifically designed for large data  centre applications. Available up to a maximum system size of 5.4MVA (putting 6 units in parallel) with flexible architecture and the smallest footprint on the market – less than 3.2 meters per unit (including internal bypass).

Based on the Delphys MX 500kVA technology, the MX range guarantees true-online double conversion uninterruptible power supply which protects the load from power grid pollution (power failures) and can be installed without side or rear access (dependant on requirements).

Designed for optimal use with Static Transfer Switches, such as the Statys, in downstream network and has intelligent built-in battery monitoring system to prolong battery lifetime by reducing battery stress.

Socomec UPS
Tel. 01285 863300
email: [email protected]

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