New Cenelec committee chairman announced

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Peter Still (pictured), industry standards manager at Schneider Electric, has been announced as the chairman for the Cenelec committee TC44X, which has the title Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects.

The previous chairman left the role last year and Still has now been confirmed in post. Still has a long history of standards work and has been involved with TC44X for the last 14 years since becoming standards manager with the global electrical equipment manufacturer, Schneider Electric. Having worked with a wide range of automation devices for more than 20 years, Still is well-placed to take over the position. He explained: "I am very honoured to have been chosen as the chairman of the Cenelec committee for electrical safety of machinery and I am looking forward to working alongside suppliers and enforcement agencies to help ensure the highest levels of safety.

"A crucial aspect of the role will be to ensure the committee's standards can be harmonized under the Machinery Directive, giving machine designers a route to compliance with the electrotechnical requirements of the directive."

Cenelec is the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization. Cenelec's mission is to prepare voluntary electrotechnical standards that help develop the single European market for electrical and electronic goods and services, removing barriers to trade, creating new markets and cutting compliance costs, while helping to ensure common levels of safety across Europe. Cenelec works with 15,000 technical experts from 30 European countries. Its work directly increases market potential, encourages technological development, replaces differing national standards across Europe and guarantees the safety and health of consumers and workers.

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