Updates to entire software product range

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Intergated Engineering Software,  a developer of hybrid simulation tools for electromagnetic,  thermal and structural design analysis, has today announced updates to its entire product range. Version 8.0 brings a number of new general  enhancements which will make the software easier and quicker to use, in addition, improvements have been made specifically to the 2D and 3D  modeling products.

In all version 8.0 software, visualization tools have seen major improvements and now have the ability to undertake gradient contour plots, which will make use of the entire colour spectrum. Additionally, log plots to contours, arrows and isosurfaces have been  included for viewing data in both 2D and 3D over many orders of  magnitude.  Ambient temperature can now also be defined globally and  changed parametrically.  This is useful in ‘what if’ scenarios if a  device will be operated in different temperature environments.

In 3D versions of Integrated’s software, including Amperes, Faraday and Singula, the ability to parallelize the computations is the greatest advance. Combining this ability with 64 bit processors and  by using 32 gigabytes of memory, speed increases of more than 50 times  have been achieved. The speed improvement achieved is radical and is  comparable to traveling somewhere by aeroplane rather than by  automobile. In most 3D programs the self-adaptive algorithms have  been altered to work seamlessly with the 3D BEM code, this is faster  and more accurate than the manual placement of elements. With the recent updates, Integrated’s 3D software becomes as easy to use as  creating the geometry, specifying the physical parameters, and simply pressing the ‘solve’ button.

Integrated’s 2D software, including Electro and Lorentz, is already well known for its ease of use.  Improvements in version 8.0 mean 2D  programs now have a far tighter coupling between the electric and  thermal fields.  As the temperature of the device changes the  electrical properties dependant on temperature will be updated. The ability to create transient boundary conditions and sources has also  been radically improved, sources are now created in the source library and then assigned. Handling transient problems has been the main  emphasis of v8.0 for all Integrated’s 2D solvers. The addition of a true ‘time modeler’ enables the user to create almost any time signal possible. Standard time signals such as square waveforms can be added  or multiplied with other standard functions such as logoriths or  sinusoids. In addition, tabular sources can be imported trivially.

DBruce Klimpke, technical director at Integrated Engineering Software, commented, “We are constantly working to make upgrades to our products  to ensure that we are at the cutting edge of the engineering software discipline. The updates we have made now puts both the 2D and 3D  products from Integrated at the very forefront of what can currently be achieved with engineering software. We anticipate that version 8.0 will signal significant improvements for our customers. To take full advantage of the updates we recommend that users upgrade computers to  64 bit machines with quad processors and as much memory as possible”.

Version 8 of the software is available from Integrated Engineering Software now. All the company’s software is offered with a 30 day free trial.


Integrated Engineering Software
Tel. +1 204 632-5636
[email protected]

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