Machinery Directive guide published

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A technical guide to functional safety has been published by ABB. Available as a PDF document, the guide outlines what the new EU Machinery Directive means for machine builders, explains the practical steps required for compliance and describes the applicable standards, background and theory.

A major development introduced with the Machinery Directive is that variable speed drives can now be used in safety systems. The document details how drives can help make machinery more cost-effective and user-friendly while maintaining a high level of safety.

The EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC applies to any new machinery launched after December 29, 2009. It requires machine builders to carry out a documented risk assessment on the essential health and safety requirements relating to their product. This is necessary to obtain the CE mark, a mandatory conformity mark on machinery and many other products placed on the single market.

Machine parts or incomplete machines must be supplied with a declaration of incorporation defining which requirements of the directive apply and have been complied with.

Machine builders can carry out self-certification without a recognised test centre, provided that they have a quality assurance procedure according to the Directive.

The ABB Technical Guide to functional safety can be requested by sending an email to [email protected].

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