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Building sustainable networks

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Building Sustainable Networks 2009 takes place at the IET, Austin Court, Birmingham on 22 October.

The event is is a one day, pan-European seminar featuring dynamic sessions directly focussed on the current topics keeping the midnight candles of the energy sector burning. This seminar presents case-studies and keynote sessions from senior executives delivering experienced-based solutions to the economic, regulatory, technical and consumer demands.

* The economics for sustainable strategic planning and the regulatory incentives
* Increasing profitability and improving performance – the view from National Grid
* Transmission and distribution investments: Trends, issues and best practices
* Optimising performance and increasing profitability – Distribution network operator
* Limiting the impact of maintenance operations and new infrastructure
* Engaging effectively with the customer
* Developing and renewing networks
* The foundations of smart grids and its fit with smart metering programs

For further details please visit


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