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Space and time-saving frame for data centres

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ADC Krone has announced its new TrueNet Frame that offers installation time savings of up to two hours per frame, as well as other advanced cable management features to help reduce customers' capital and operating expenses. The frame's ‘fold-pack' design means that on-site assembly in data centres and enterprises can be completed in minutes compared to the conventional hour or so.
Another time-saving feature is the new TrueNet quick-fix panel mounting (patent pending), which eliminates the need for cage-nuts and screws, and, on average, saves another 40 minutes of installation time per frame.
"With cable management as a key design consideration, the TrueNet Frame eliminates patch lead cross-overs and 'cable-forests', as well as the need to move and deform cables to access patching ports for moves, adds and changes (MACs)," said Jan Wielenga, product manager for TrueNet Frame at ADC Krone.
The TrueNet Frame is made of strong, light-weight aluminium and is factory pre-assembled, where it is folded, like a deck chair, to a size of only 2900 x 340 x 250mm for shipping. This, together with its low weight of only 30kg, means it can be manoeuvred around corners, up and down stairs and along corridors by a single technician.
To position, it takes only minutes to unfold and lock the TrueNet Frame into its final, rigid state at a size of 2200 x 910 x 460-590mm. Once fixed to the floor, panel and cable assembly can begin.
To demonstrate just how quickly and easily the new TrueNet Frame can be installed,  view several short videos on ADC Krone's home page by clicking on the revolving banner at  

ADC Krone supports a managed density approach in the enterprise and data centre that takes a long-term view of design's importance in ensuring maximum density and growth without disrupting operations. Increasing capacity and network applications create new challenges for both the planners who design and the operations staff who maintain the networks. The TrueNet Frame enables bend radius protection, cable strain management and ease of moves, adds and changes in a 99.999% availability environment.
"Unshielded Category 6A is a very effective technology for high-bandwidth network requirements, but its space requirement has created a real challenge for both initial installation and ongoing moves, adds and changes," said Wielenga. "Furthermore, installers do not want to use unnecessary floor space when installing less space-consuming technologies such as 5e cable. The ADC KRONE TrueNet Frame ensures the best balance between floor space utilisation and manageability. This, together with its rapid installation features, gives installers and customers the ideal solution for Category 6A, 6 and 5e."

ADC Krone  

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