CHP Awards 2009 open for entries

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The Combined Heat and Power Awards 2009 is now open for entries. Awards will be made across seven categories.

The Innovation Award rewards technological or commercial advice in the sector and was secured in 2008 by Baxi for their work on micro-CHP.

The Community Award showcases projects which have delivered wider benefits to the communities that they serve, particularly where those benefits have been shared by householders, businesses and the public sector.

Awards will also be given for the best demonstration of the benefits of CHP, with separate awards for the best residential scheme, the best public sector project and the best industrial / commercial project.

Two awards will also be made for personal contributions to the CHP industry in the UK. The CHP Champion Award, presented in 2008 to Michael King for his advocacy of CHP and community heating, recognises an outstanding contribution made by an individual or organisation to the sector. The President's Award for Emerging Talent spotlights new professionals in the industry and, this year, carries a prize of £500.

Entry forms for the CHP Awards can be downloaded from The closing date for entries is Monday 7 September 2009.

Awards will be presented at the Combined Heat and Power Association's annual dinner on Wednesday 25 November 2009. The dinner will follow the Association's annual conference, where speakers will include Simon Hughes MP, Liberal Democrat shadow secretary of state for energy and climate change, Paddy Tipping MP, chair of the parliamentary group for energy studies and Mark Kelly, CEO of Baxi.

The conference – titled Combating Climate Change Competitively – will introduce delegates to pioneering projects, catalysts for change and key individuals and figures within the CHP sector. Delegates will benefit from a demonstration of the latest innovations in CHP across the entire industry; be it industrial, community and household scale applications. Attendees will also be shown the latest developments in international, national and regional policy frameworks; and encouraged to understand how they are being translated into effective incentives and delivery models across the sector.

Further information about the conference and awards is available at

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