JTL secures government finance to boost apprenticeships

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Selected employers in England and Wales working with training provider JTL will receive £30 per week for every extra apprentice they employ if they qualify for the government financial initiative to step up training in the construction sector.

Known as the Apprenticeship Expansion Scheme, the initiative will target JTL employers who have a proven track record in providing high quality apprentices and need support during the downturn to expand their numbers.

JTL will support 400 Advanced Apprenticeships and is only one of two training providers in the construction sector out of the 16 firms selected to manage the project to provide 3,000 young people with placements over two years.

JTL chief executive Denis Hird said: "We work with employers England and Wakes with a terrific track record in training up young people and winning this contract reflects the Government's confidence in JTL's expertise in delivering Advanced Apprenticeships in the building services industry.

"Initiatives like this are very timely and welcome, everyone knows someone who is suffering in the present climate but if employers do not take a long term view they will not have the skilled staff available to undertake future projects."

The £30 subsidy will be paid for 12 months and payment is made to the employer by BACS upon receipt of the attendance record indicating that the apprentice has been present or authorised absent.

Employers wishing to apply for the scheme can get full details from their JTL training officer while applicants will go through existing rigorous JTL criteria before they are recommended to an employer.

Participating employers and JTL will track apprentices' progress, claims and payments as well as monitor activity and provide information and intelligence on the trial.

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