Free electrical installation test guide

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Electrical safety testing specialist Seaward has published a free guide  to  the electrical  testing requirements of the 17th Edition of the Wiring Regulations.

The 24-page Seaward Guide to Fixed Installation Testing is designed for those carrying out electrical testing and also those who may be responsible for commissioning periodic testing services.

The  A5 guide takes into account the changes introduced  by the new scope, requirements  and terminology of the 17th Edition regulations compared to the previous 16th Edition.

The practical information given in the handy-sized booklet is divided into  two sections – tests carried out before the electrical installation is energised and those carried out with the installation energised.

Under both of these main sections, easy to follow step by step instructions  are provided for each individual test along with details of test measurement  values and guidance on satisfactory test readings.

Throughout  the booklet descriptions of test methods are accompanied by  graphic illustrations of various test configurations and supporting technical data.

The  guide is designed to provide a useful insight for both new and experienced users  of  electrical  installation safety testing equipment  and  as  a  simple reference guide to issues relating to fixed wiring testing.

Free copies of Seaward's 'Guide To 17th Edition Electrical Testing can be requested by visiting, by contacting the Seaward sales office at [email protected]  or by telephoning 0191 586 3511.

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