Ofgem gets powerPerfected

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Ofgem is the Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets protect consumers of gas and electricity by promoting competition and regulating the monopoly of companies that run the gas and electric networks. Working on 5 themes for energy sustainability, including energy efficiency, it is Ofgem’s role to shape the future of electricity and gas supply in the UK. As a result, the importance for their internal efficiency of their energy usage is paramount. Selecting the best technology in the market demonstrates their commitment to Best Practice.

Kim Pivett, Head of Building Services, Ofgem writes about the powerPerfector installations:  “As part of Ofgem’s continuing commitment to reducing its impact on the environment two powerPerfector units were installed at its London premises in November 2008. They have now been operating for over 6 months and, from careful analysis of electricity consumption, it is clear that an average reduction in usage of 9.1% has been achieved. This is equivalent to an annual CO2 saving of 165.7 tonnes. The savings in consumption and associated emissions are also going a long way towards helping us achieve our Sustainable Development Action Plan targets. We are also delighted with the ancillary benefits of powerPerfector, particularly the protection it provides from transients, the extension of equipment life due to reduced strain and reduced kVA demand charges.

“Quite apart from the physical positives we are very pleased with the professionalism shown by the powerPerfector team both before and after installation; their enthusiasm for the product, clear presentation of its benefits and full support during the installation itself was all gratefully received.”


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