LIF announces EMILAS winners

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The winners of the Lighting Industry Federation's new Energy Management and Innovation in Lighting Award Scheme (EMILAS) have been announced.

"We were delighted with the number of entries received – and their quality – for the lighting award scheme, which focuses on the upgrading of existing installations to improve energy-efficiency and encourages owners/users to upgrade their existing lighting installations," commented LIF president Peter Denny.

"A prime objective of EMILAS is to give recognition to lighting schemes showing proven energy savings with a minimum 20% improvement over previously installed schemes.

"The response far exceeded expectations and reflects the dramatic impact of evolving energy efficiency lighting schemes across a diverse range of sectors and applications.

"Great inroads are being made by The Lighting Industry with new technologies available that bring significant benefits in contributing towards building a low carbon economy – which can only be achieved by the refurbishment of existing buildings with modern lighting schemes."

The winners were as follows:

Category A (indoor workplace):

Highly commended: Cooper Lighting & Safety – Ipswich Building Society

Runner up: Holophane – Flowserve

Winner: Thorn – Gateshead Council


Category B (outdoor workplace)

Winner: Holophane – Siemens Traincare


Category C (sports lighting):

Highly Commended:  Philips – Carshalton FC

Winner: Chalmor – Nottingham City Council, Harvey Haddens Sports Complex


Category D (road/amenity lighting):

Winner: Philips – Surrey County Council/Godalming Traders Association.


Category E (floodlighting/building facades)

Runner up: Kirklees Metropolitan Borough Council – Thornton Lodge Estate, Huddersfield

Winner: Holophane – Bournemouth Borough Council

Category F (New category {BSEN 1837}, lighting in machinery:

Winner: Philips – Tesco

For information on the winning projects visit

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