Andromeda paves way for London 2012

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Andromeda has completed the first major infrastructure projects for the 2012 Olympics,  bringing their integrated control solutions to Stratford and Ebbsfleet International Rail Stations.

Ebbsfleet is a key part of the Thames Gateway urban regeneration project, and forms part of the new Channel Tunnel Rail Link. Opened in November 2007, the station will play an important role in opening the city up to visitors during the Olympics. Stratford International will form part of ‘Stratford City', the massive development planned as part of the Olympic projects. Working with EMCOR, Andromeda's solution includes on/off switching using intelligent LUX sensors, scheduled lighting using time-switch functions, and the monitoring of incoming emergency supplies for emergency lighting. This system ensures that platform lighting is switched off when the areas are not in use and that the complete lighting system functions on low levels during night engineering hours; both measures which  promote energy efficiency. The system also includes local controls and central override functions.  

These projects represent only part of a successful infrastructure and rail portfolio for Andromeda, with other key projects including the monitoring of the underground system beneath St. Pancras, the rail sections at Heathrow T5 (Underground and Heathrow Express), and extensive work on the Jubilee Line Extension, including Canary Wharf. The latter solution includes lighting control with dimmers and brightness sensors, which adjust light levels to counteract faulty and dirty lamps, making re-lamping less problematic for limited access areas. The 100% automatic system also monitors emergency lighting circuits and includes automatic signage control, a measure which helps control the flow of traffic at peak times.

Andromeda will also be involved in the re-development of King's Cross Northern Ticket Hall.

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