EDF Energy to hold UK nuclear supplier forum

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EDF Energy yesterday announced it is to host a supply chain event entitled New Nuclear Opportunities, to highlight the company's plans to invest in new nuclear power stations in the UK and the role British businesses will have to help deliver the investment.

Energy Minister, Mike O'Brien MP, will deliver the keynote address on the subject of the Government's perspective.

The event will take place in London on 30 June.

EDF Energy intends to build four new EPR reactors in the UK with the first operational by the end of 2017. Such major investment in infrastructure will generate considerable commercial opportunities for the UK supply chain and British workers.

EDF Energy's UK new build programme is expected to lead to the tendering of about 150 contracts worth many billions of pounds.

The aim of the event is to ensure UK companies are aware of the opportunities that EDF Energy's investment plans will create. The event will also provide information about the EDF Energy procurement process, and give potential suppliers more details about our new business structures, and the work packages which will be available for bids.

EDF Energy's managing director of nuclear new build, Humphrey-Cadoux Hudson, said: "All of us depend on reliable, affordable and clean supplies of energy. Delivering long-term investment to achieve this is one of the biggest challenges facing the energy industry and the UK as a whole. Our aim is to play a leading role in UK nuclear new build, alongside our investment programmes in other forms of low carbon generation.

"New nuclear build will be a significant investment in the UK which will create considerable opportunities for British companies and British workers who can deliver. UK firms will be in the vanguard of the nuclear renaissance.

"We are beginning our procurement process for new build this year and now is the time for the UK companies to prepare so that they can take maximum advantage of the multi-billion pound opportunities available."

Mike O'Brien MP said:" New nuclear power stations could provide thousands of new jobs, many of them in the supply chain. With the new build programme moving ahead the business is up for grabs for UK companies. This event will give companies the chance to come and find out where the opportunities will be."

Alongside the minister and de Rivaz, delegates will be able to hear from Cadoux Hudson and his senior team as well as representatives of EDF from France.

There will also be the chance to hear from nuclear industry experts and practitioners to find out more about international experiences with procurement, as well as the health and safety, quality assurance, codes and standards that the work will entail. The conference should help supplier companies detail their forward investment plans.

Attendance at the event will be by invitation only, to ensure EDF get as large a mix of suppliers as possible at the first forum, and to allow EDF Energy to engage with the supply chain in a manner which supports the procurement schedule.

Following the event, EDF Energy is planning a number of other initiatives to engage with suppliers who cannot attend the London forum.

Companies wishing to take part in the conference or some of our follow on events can register their interest in an invitation to the event at: www.edfenergy.com/newnuclearopportunities

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