IET targets young professionals

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Viral marketing specialist Rebel Virals is releasing a new comedy sketch featuring some surprisingly talented monkeys. The work is part of the Institution of Engineering and Technology's (IET) drive to target a more mainstream audience and develop greater awareness among young professionals.

James Trezona, director of Rebel Virals, said: "With viral marketing, the normal rules don't apply. Brands aren't governed by precedents, so are free to do something different. This is the IET's first viral, so we took the opportunity to bring out their wilder side, to find a new voice that connects with their audience on a more emotional level."

The sketch features a troop of monkeys dismantling a car and reusing the parts to build their own vehicle. The strapline, ‘evolve quicker', articulates the IET's aim to advance the careers of industry professionals. "We're refreshing the IET's brand, helping to cast off the commonly-held belief that engineers and scientists are dull and stuffy" said Hillary Cannon, IET corporate brand manager.  "We're trying to remind people of our quirky, adventurous spirit through our new brand and recent marketing efforts. We think this viral will go a long way to helping us achieve that goal." 

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