17th Edition success

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Since the beginning of April 2008, MCP has trained over 100 people in its 17th Edition five day full course and one day update at its training venues in Reading, Birmingham and Warrington. Organisations that have participated in its courses include BAA, Johnson Controls, ICI, AWE, Ikea, Mabey & Johnson, Airbus and Royal Mail. The company has said its success rate has 100% on the full course, and a 92% success rate on the update course. John Saysell, technical training manager said: “This success rate reflects the standard of trainers MCP use, all our trainers are still practically involved in the workplace and this ensures they can relate the theory to the practice.”

The one-day 17th edition update course is designed for delegates who need to be conversant with the latest edition and amendments to the wiring regulations. On completion of the course, delegates should be able to identify the changes to BS7671.

The four day full course is designed for delegates who need to be conversant with the latest edition and amendments to the wiring regulations. On completion of the course, delegates should be able to explain the fundamental requirements of BS 7671, demonstrate the application of the regulations and identify the requirements of the special regulations. The courses will be held as follows:
Full course – 16-19 March, Reading
Full Course – 23-26 March, Warrington
Update course – 5 March, Reading

For more details please contact Sarah James on 0121 506 9034 or email [email protected] or visit www.mcpeurope.com/training

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