Video webcast guide to junction box selection

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Hager has produced a downloadable web video advising on the correct selection of junction boxes to meet the 17th Edition wiring regulations.

The web cast covers the regulations regarding the connection of conductors for both lighting and power final circuits.

Hager product manager for Ashley wiring accessories, Jane Yorke, said: "A loose or disconnected cable is a hidden danger. Junction boxes have come under close inspection. In many cases the traditional circular junction box will not comply."

The web video advises what products or alternatives can be used in different situations. It covers solutions for common applications such as downlighter and inaccessible circuits. It also advises electricians on how to decide what solutions they should use in different circumstances.

The web video can be viewed on Hager's website  The company has also produced a free guide called the Junction Box Guide to the 17th Edition.

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