Exploding the Myths and Mystery behind Electrical Arc Flash

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Unique Learning event on Arc Flash at the Building Research Establishment, Garston near Watford on 11th February 2009.

This is a one off event hosted by Electrical Safety (UK) Ltd and DuPont Personal Protection, the highlight of which will feature a workshop held by Jim Phillips P.E. Jim is probably one of the most knowledgeable independent experts on arc flash in the world and will be delivering an in depth workshop on arc flash research, standards and calculation methods before moving on to similar events on main land Europe.  This will be complimented by Mike Frain FIET MCMI of Electrical Safety (UK) Ltd who will draw on his experience in authoring electrical safety procedures to demonstrate how the standards can be used to assist in compliance with European/UK legislation; and Neil Gove MEng CEng MIEE, HM Specialist Inspector (Electrical and Control Systems) who is going to speak about the relevant electrical safety legislation in the UK specifically defining live work and fundamental requirements of regulation 14 from the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. This is the event for you if you need answers to any of the following questions.


  • What is Arc Flash?
  • What is the definition of Live/Energised Work?
  • What is the Law on Live Working?
  • How can I predict arc flash severity?
  • What are the principles of the calculation methods?
  • Can they help me in my risk assessments?
  • How can I specify FR Clothing/PPE?
  • How can I design safe working space in front of switchgear?
  • How can it help my electrical workers to understand the dangers of arc flash?
  • How can I design out the arc flash problem?
  • You need heavy switching suits to operate switchgear don't you???


You will get first hand information about the direction of current trends is this very important area from the "horse's mouth" as Jim sits on the IEEE 1584 committee and is the author of the guide "How to Perform an Arc Flash Study in 12 Steps" published by the NFPA.  He is also currently writing NFPA's book on how to perform arc flash studies which is due out early Spring 2009.

In addition there is a chance to visit and tour the Building Research Establishment Innovation Park which features near zero carbon construction homes. An opportunity for delegates to find out more about the BRE fire testing and consultancy services  on the Burn Hall where the BRE has a world class reputation for fire research.

Not to be missed – Numbers are restricted so register your interest with [email protected] and mark your enquiry BRE Arc Flash.

Further information; About Jim Phillips http://www.brainfiller.com/aboutJimPhillips.php

About Electrical Safety (UK) Ltd http://www.elecsafety.co.uk/

Du Pont Personal Protection http://www.dpp-europe.com/

Health and Safety Executive http://www.hse.gov.uk/


About the Buildings Research Establishment  

Fire research = http://www.bre.co.uk/fire

Innovation Park = http://www.bre.co.uk/innovationpark

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