A request from the Electrical and Electronics Industries Benevolent Association (EEIBA)

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With the economic downturn resulting in food and fuel prices going through the roof, it is not surprising many are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. There are families living in poor accommodation with even less spare cash to enjoy the essential things in life and then there are those lonely industry pensioners with no family, who rely on their neighbours to provide them with support and help. And some are just too proud to ask for help.

"Our team of Welfare Visitors are on ‘red alert' this year," said EEIBA chief executive, Timothy Lambert, "we must look out for those in need, many of whom are just too proud to ask for our help and we would also welcome calls from industry friends should they know of someone who is in need."

"As a charity, we have to rely on companies and individuals to provide us with much needed funds, so if there is anyone out there who would like to offer a donation towards our work this winter, please get in touch."

To support your industry charity telephone EEIBA on: 020 8673 9829 or email: [email protected]

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