Test kit survives motorway crash landing

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In a scene reminiscent of a James Bond film, an aluminium flight case recently came flying from the window of a speeding van on the M69 motorway. Instead of the latest in espionage equipment, however, the case contained a Megger MTK302 test kit that had been stolen from a vehicle belonging to electrical training provider, G-TEC Training.

Despite a rough landing at speeds close to 70 mph, the insulation, loop and RCCD testers that make up the kit were subsequently found to have survived their ordeal completely unscathed. A thorough check in the Megger calibration laboratory showed none of the instruments needed even the slightest of adjustments!

The Megger equipment was retrieved by the motorist following the van from which it was thrown, who had to swerve violently to avoid it. Advised by the police that they could do nothing to trace the owner of the equipment, the motorist was sufficiently interested and concerned to contact Megger, who duly returned the kit to its owner.

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