Megger offers more in earth testing

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Improved convenience and versatility are among the key benefits of the latest range of digital earth resistance testers from Megger, which has now been extended to include a new model powered from rechargeable batteries and versions with variable test frequency.

In addition, the maximum resistance that can be measured has been increased ten fold for all models, and users are offered additional options when purchasing test kits.

For demanding applications requiring maximum versatility, Megger offers the DET4TC2 tester, which is powered from standard AA batteries, and the DET4TCR2 tester, which uses rechargeable batteries. The DET4TCR2 has an integral charger, and is supplied complete with a mains adaptor.

The instruments support two-, three- and four-pole testing, as well as Attached Rod Technique (ART), stakeless, leakage current and earth noise voltage measurement. They also allow users to select the test frequency from one of four options – 94Hz, 105Hz, 111Hz and 128Hz – making it easy, even in difficult situations, to choose a frequency which minimises the effects of interference.

Also available are the new DET4TD2 and DET4TR2 testers, the former being designed for use with replaceable batteries, the latter with rechargeable cells. Fully supporting the most popular earth resistance test methods – two-, three- and four-pole testing – these very competitively priced instruments are an ideal choice for use where the exceptional versatility of the DET4TC models is not needed.

Megger's new earth resistance testers are offered in a wide range of kit options. Basic kits include the instrument, a tough hard carrying case, a stake and wire kit (15m, 10m, 10m and 3m lengths) plus, for rechargeable models, a mains unit. Adaptor kits replace the stake and wire kit with right-angle terminal adaptors to connect bare wires to terminals. Also offered for the DET4TC models are kits for ART and stakeless testing.

All accessories are available separately, which means that users can, if they wish, select the most appropriate combination to suit their own particular needs rather than opting for a pre-configured kit.

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