Top talent celebrated

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The 2008 National Training Awards (NTA) celebrated the achievements of the building services engineering (BSE) sector's top talent at a ceremony hosted by SummitSkills.

Skilled apprentices, engineers, and management personnel took to the stage in front of employers, college representatives, and trade leaders, in recognition of their hard work and commitment to high standards. All industries of the BSE sector were represented with award categories in plumbing, electrotechnical, heating and ventilating and air conditioning and refrigeration.

The eighth NTA ceremony welcomed guest speaker Kriss Akabusi MBE, who presented each winner with their award, certificate and £125 of retail vouchers, courtesy of EMTA Awards (EAL). In addition, bursaries and scholarships were presented to selected winners to aid further education.

The event also gained the backing of David Lammy MP, skills minister, who congratulated winners through a special video link.

SummitSkills' vice-chairman, Stuart Lyon took up the role as host and MC, paying tribute to the sector's finest: "I would like to congratulate all of our winners who have demonstrated dedication, expertise, and superb results that both their employers and the sector can be truly proud of. Building services engineering presents high achievers with a promising and rewarding career path, and thanks to the shining examples we have seen today, the future looks bright for a highly skilled UK workforce."

The winners were:


Heating and ventilating craft operative of the year

Awarded to individuals who have completed S/NVQ Level 3 in H&V industrial & commercial, domestic, ductwork installations or service and maintenance.


Winner: Paul Renno

Employer: Gateshead Council

College: Newcastle College


Sponsored by the Heating and Ventilating Contractors' Association (HVCA)


Plumbing craft operative of the year

Awarded to individuals who have completed S/NVQ Level 3 in plumbing.


Winner: Ramon Culshaw

Employer: Rothwell Plumbing Services Ltd

College: Liverpool Community College


Sponsored by the Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors (APHC) and the Scottish & Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers' Federation (SNIPEF)


Refrigeration & air conditioning craft operative of the year

Awarded to individuals who have completed S/NVQ Level 3 in refrigeration and air conditioning.


Winner: Matthew Lander

Employer: Crowther & Shaw Ltd

College: Grimsby Institute


Sponsored by the HVCA


Electrotechnical craft operative of the year

Awarded to individuals who have completed S/NVQ Level 3 in electrotechnical.


Winner: Mark Billington

Employer: Boulting Group plc.

College: St. Helens College


Sponsored by the Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA) and SELECT


Technician Engineer of the year

Awarded to individuals who have completed an HNC/HND with merit or distinction in any building services engineering discipline.


Winner: David Winton

Employer: Haden Young Ltd

College: Liverpool Community College


Sponsored by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)


Experienced existing worker of the year (mechanical)

This award is open to all mechanical disciplines – winners have achieved S/NVQ Level 2 or 3 through substantial industry experience and/or carried out significant professional development.


Winner: Ian McDonald

Employer: Air Management 2000 Ltd

College: Liverpool Community College


Sponsored by the HVCA


Experienced existing worker of the year (electrical)

This award is open to all electrical disciplines – winners have achieved S/NVQ Level 3 through substantial industry experience and/or carried out significant professional development.


Winner: John Rossiter

Employer: Bailey Ltd

Training provider: Bailey Engineering Academy


Sponsored by National Electrical Training (NET)


Happold Bursary

The Happold Bursary is awarded to a craftsperson that has shown ability and maturity to progress and assume responsibility.


Winner: Adam Lingard

Employer: T Jolly Services Ltd


Sponsored by The Happold Trust


Alfred Manly Management Award

Alfred Manly Awards are made to young engineers who are judged to be capable to progressing to senior management in the industry.


Winner: Nick Crosby

Employer: Haden Young Ltd


Winner: Leoanne Towsey

Employer: Hotchkiss Limited


Sponsored by AG Manly Charitable Trust, AGM


Professional Engineer of the Year (Ann Noblett memorial scholarship)

The winner of this award will have completed an HNC/HND or degree course in the sector, and will be working towards the achievement of membership of an appropriate chartered professional body.


Winner: Steven Rawlinson

Employer: T Jolly Services Ltd


Sponsored by Engineering Services Training Trust Ltd (ESTTL)


National craft operative of the year

Presented to the overall winner of the craft discipline awards.


Winner: Matthew Lander

Employer: Crowther & Shaw Ltd

College: Grimsby Institute


Sponsored by Unite

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